Organizing auctions
We help individuals and companies sell or buy property to their best advantage. We take careof all technical arrangements related to participation in the electronic auction, thus savingyour time, efforts and money.
Property purchase or sale via electronic platform
Participation in an electronic auction
– Receipt of an electronic digital signature
– Registration of your company on the platform
– Determination of purchase terms
– Transfer of advance money
– Participation in the auction on your behalf and for your benefit
Organizing your property sales through an electronic auction procedure
– Determination of optimal sales terms, auction procedure, property inspection procedure
– Selection of the electronic platform
– Organizing and holding an auction on your terms
When an auction or participation therein is required
Work stages
Obtaining information about the composition of the property offered for sale, about the property to put up for sale
We will start our activities, working closely with you and your employees to deliver results.
The completion of work shall be the report of the electronic platform stating the auction winner.